6 Reasons to Perform an SEO Audit on Your Website

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SEO Audit

Can you remember the last time you performed an SEO audit on your website? If it’s been a while or if you’ve never done one before, now is the time! There are many reasons why you should perform an SEO audit on your website, and in this blog post we will discuss just a few of them.

What is an SEO audit?

Simply put, an SEO audit is a comprehensive analysis of your website to identify potential areas for improvement when it comes to search engine optimisation. This can include things like improving site speed, optimising titles and meta descriptions and correcting broken links.

So, why should you perform an SEO audit on your website?

Any SEO expert Sydney agency would vouch for the importance of an SEO audit. Here are just a few reasons why you should perform an audit on your website:

To identify technical issues that may be hurting your rankings

If your website is slow or difficult to navigate, this could be why you’re not ranking as high as you’d like in the search results. An SEO audit can help you identify technical issues that may be holding your website back so you can make the necessary changes.

To get a fresh perspective

It’s easy to get stuck in a rut when you’re working on the same website day in and day out. An SEO audit can provide you with a fresh perspective on your website and help you see things that you may have missed before.

To keep your SEO efforts on track

An SEO audit can help ensure that your efforts are focused in the right areas and that you’re not wasting time on activities that aren’t going to improve your rankings.

To stay abreast with the latest search engine algorithms

The world of SEO is constantly changing, and if you want to keep your website ranking high, you need to make sure you’re up-to-date with the latest algorithm changes. An SEO audit can help ensure that your website is compliant with the latest algorithms.

To find out which keywords are bringing in traffic to your website

If you’re not sure which keywords are driving traffic to your website, an SEO audit can help. The audit will identify the keywords that are being used to find your website in the search results.

To save money

Hiring an SEO expert Sydney to perform an audit can be costly, but it’s certainly worth it in the long run. An audit will help you identify areas where you need to make changes, which can save you money on future SEO efforts.


There are many reasons why you should perform an SEO audit on your website. If you haven’t done one in a while or if you’ve never done one at all, now is the time! 

An audit can help you identify technical issues that may be holding your website back, get a fresh perspective on your website, keep your SEO efforts on track, stay up-to-date with the latest search engine algorithms, save money on future SEO efforts and find out which keywords are driving traffic to your website.

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