Lucrative Ideas To Create The Next Uber: Must-Have Features & Marketing Strategies

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Lucrative Ideas To Create The Next Uber

Who would not love to book a ride with a few steps on the mobile? Make traveling more comfortable for your customers with your Uber clone app development and move ahead into the leading ride-hailing industry. This ultimate blog enlightens you to kick start your online business in a profitable way and also get to know its interesting facts. 

Why Is There A Thirst For An Uber Clone App? 

In general, the Uber clone app is an alternative solution to the existing Uber app, and with this solution, you can tailor it as per your business requirements. Entrepreneurs are provoked to follow the footprints of the launching ride-hailing app like Uber to witness immense growth without further delay. 

In this case, the budding entrepreneurs can skip the process of developing from scratch and being less spendthrift. Did you know that the Uber app is expected to hit $365 billion in the year 2024? Scroll further to know the niche of this sector. 

What Are The Pre-Eminent Features Of An App Like Uber? 

Integrating the alluring features is the key way to enhance your online ride-hailing business and attract a massive range of audiences. The basic features required for a Minimum viable product (MVP) are as shown below. 

  • Quick Registration – You can allow your users to register into your app like Uber using any of the social media accounts and also efficiently update their profile details. Thus it makes the customers browse into the numerous types of vehicles listed on your platform. 
  • GPS Tracking System – With the GPS tracking integration, the customers can find the taxi drivers within their proximity level. Moreover, it helps the drivers to navigate towards the customer’s location on time. Thereby, the digital locations would be a great beneficiary for your users. 

Now let us have a keen look into the features that ought to be integrated into each panel. 

Customer Panel 

  • Book Rides – Through your ride-hailing app, you can allow your customers to book the rides efficiently by updating the destination place. The customers can also choose the vehicle that they are comfortable with to travel towards their destination. 
  • Scheduled Rides – This scheduled rides feature is exclusively for the customers who are stuck in busy schedules. With this feature, they can either book for a ride either instantly or in advance. Through the robust GPS functionality, the customers can keep track of their driver’s location. 
  • Auto-Location – You can give assurance for the customers who are stuck in isolated places with the auto-location feature. This helps automatically detect the location of the customers, and thus the drivers will be navigated quickly. 
  • Ride History – In the ride history feature, the customers look into the destination places that they have traveled so far, and the app also saves the location that had been frequently used for future ride booking. 
  • Fare Estimation – This is the most-liked feature for the customers as it shows the estimated cost for the ride and helps them to know whether it falls under their budget. 
  • SOS Alert – Providing a secure and safe journey for customers will profitably boost our online ride-hailing business. In this case, the customers can select the SOS alert option in any emergency situation while traveling. 
  • In-App Wallet – To make the hassle-free travel for your customers, integrating the in-app wallet will be a great advantage that offers them to skip the process of using cash or cards for payment. 
  • Push Notification – You can keep your users engaged with your app through instant notifications regarding their rides and other offers too. 
  • Ratings & Reviews – Once the driver has successfully dropped the customers at the destination, the users can rate their ride experience and write a review. This helps the drivers to improve their business in a successful way. 

Driver Panel  

  • Earnings Report – The drivers can look into their detailed earnings report to keep their driving business progressing. 
  • Toggle on/off – If a driver is unavailable for a particular time, they can toggle off, and when they toggle on, they receive the ride request instantly. This completely indicates their availability status, and they can toggle between whenever they want. 
  • Instant request – Almost all the drivers would benefit from your online ride-sharing platform, as it shows the continuous ride request once they switch from offline to online. 
  • Invoice generation – The driver can have a vivid look into the details of the ride with the invoice generation feature. 
  • Verification – The drivers can submit their certificate of the profession to the admin to verify before adding them to the platform. 

Dispatcher Panel 

  • Assign Drivers – Through your platform, you can now automatically make the customers directly connect with random nearby drivers to accept the ride request.  
  • Dispatch Status – With the real-time dispatch status, you will be able to track the drivers’ locations, the trip’s current status, and many more. 
  • Manual Dispatch – When in the case of scheduled rides, the dispatcher can assign drivers with the requested ride before the scheduled time. 
  • Track Drivers – Similar to the admin panel, the dispatcher will also be able to look into the location of all drivers, such as the status on their map and also their current location. 
  • View pending Request – All the pending requests and scheduled requests will be displayed on the dispatcher panel to have a quick look into the functioning of your app. 

Admin Panel 

  • Effective Dashboard – Being an admin, you get the options to view, monitor, manage all the activities that take place in your Uber clone. 
  • Monitor And Manage Users – When it comes to drivers, you can let them in once all the verification process and can remove any fake user accounts. 
  • Manage Commissions – You have access to fix the price for every ride and efficiently change the settings of the price range. 
  • Fleet management – When you include different types of vehicles will enrich your platform to be one step high in the competitive market, and you can also manage the vehicle set, including payouts and many more. 
  • Detailed Reports – Furthermore, you can also keep track of your business with the instant reports at your fingertips. For instance, you can view company settlements, Ride payments, ride wallet subscriptions, driver wallets, and many more.

Thereby, these elaborated features would be a great boon to levitate your business in the competitive ride-hailing industry. Now let you take a look into the marketing strategies that help you with an easier development process. 

Launch A Taxi App Like Uber By Understanding Marketing Strategies 

The detailed development process based on the marketing strategies is as follows. 

  • You must be clear with all your requirements and ideas to build your dream business. 
  • The app development firm will give an estimation of the design layout of your ride-hailing app for in case of any modulations. 
  • With all the features, customization, and installations, it is ready to start the development process. 
  • In order to excel a seamless functionality, it will be tested on multiple platforms. 
  • Now it is time to Launch taxi app like Uber once the testing and optimization are completed. 

Winding Up 

To conclude, the taxi service industry is growing like never before, and you can embark on an identity with your Uber clone app right away. Seize your moment towards a profitable online business. 

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