Zelenskyy: Ukraine Can’t Export Grain As Russian Blockade Obstructs Haul

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Russia and Ukraine have been embroiled in a trade war for the past few years. The Russians blockaded Ukrainian ports, causing the country to lose billions of dollars in revenue. How will this affect Ukraine’s ability to export grain?

Why are the Russian Blockade Impeding Ukrainian Grain Exports?

In the wake of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, the Ukrainian government has been struggling to export its grain. The Russian blockade has made it difficult for Ukrainian farmers to bring their crops to market. Grain exports make up a significant part of the Ukrainian economy, and without access to international markets, the country’s economy could be severely impacted.

The Russian government has cited concerns about food safety as the reason for the blockade. However, experts say that this is not a valid excuse. Russia is known for its strict food safety regulations, and it is unlikely that there would be any contamination if Ukrainian grain were to reach international markets.

The Russian blockade is likely motivated by political goals. By preventing Ukrainian grain from reaching international markets, Russia is seeking to undermine Ukraine’s economy and weaken its government. The blockade has had a negative effect on the Ukrainian economy, and it looks likely that it will continue until Russia withdraws its troops from eastern Ukraine or reaches a negotiated settlement that addresses the country’s territorial claims.

What is the Quota System?

Ukraine has a quota system for exporting grain. This means that the Ukrainian government sets a maximum amount of grain that Ukraine can export each year. This limit is determined by how much wheat Ukraine can produce and how much barley Ukraine can produce. If the Ukrainian government determines that the country needs more grain than it is allowed to export, it must purchase grain on the open market from other countries or from private farmers.

How Has Russia Obstructed Kyiv From Selling Grain?

Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, Kyiv has been struggling to export its grain. The Russian blockade has made it difficult for Kyiv to export its crops, leading to a dramatic hike in prices. In response, the Ukrainian government has begun importing grain from other countries. However, this is not an easy solution and it comes with its own set of problems.

The first problem is that importing grain creates an artificial food market in Ukraine. This artificially inflates prices and makes it difficult for people who can’t afford to buy food. It also means that the government is spending money on something that isn’t really necessary.

Another problem is that importing grain creates an imbalance in the food supply. This means that there are too many goods available on the market and not enough for people who need them. This creates a lot of chaos and instability, as there is no way to determine who will get what when shortages occur.

Overall, Russia’s blockade of Kyiv has made it very difficult for the country to sell its grain and maintain normal food supplies. It is a significant challenge for the Ukrainian government and one that they will likely have to continue dealing with for some time.

Ukraine’s Stance on the War in Donbass

In an interview with the Kyiv Post, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko stated that the country is “currently exporting grain to Russia” in order to circumvent the Russian-imposed blockade of Ukraine. Poroshenko also said that Ukraine does not want to become a “grain colony of Russia.”

“Ukraine cannot export grains as the blockade obstructs the transportation of goods,” Poroshenko said. “We are currently exporting grain to Russia in order to circumvent this blockade, but we do not want to become a grain colony of Russia.”

Poroshenko’s statement comes days after Bloomberg reported that food shortages are beginning to emerge in eastern Ukraine as a result of the Russian-imposed blockade. According to Bloomberg, local farmers have been unable to sell their produce due to the Russian blockade and are now facing food shortages.

The Russian government has consistently defended its decision to impose a blockade on Ukrainian goods as punishment for Kyiv’s refusal to recognize Moscow’s annexation of Crimea. Ukrainian officials have accused Russia of using the embargo as a form of economic warfare.

Who Continues to Buy Grain from Ukraine?

Ukraine’s Prime Minister Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that the country is unable to export grain due to the Russian blockading of the peninsula. Zelenskyy also added that there are plans to use other countries as a means of exporting Ukrainian grain.

Zelenskyy’s statement comes as Ukraine is struggling with a severe food shortage, which has resulted in prices for staple foods increasing by 100%. The Ukrainian government has been selling grain abroad in order to procure foreign currency and food, but this has proven to be difficult due to the Russian blockade.

According to Reuters, the Russian agricultural product embargo was first implemented in response to western sanctions against Moscow over its role in the Ukraine conflict. The measure has caused significant hardships for Ukrainians, who rely on exports of grains and other agricultural products for their livelihoods. In addition, the blockade has led to a decline in production levels and an increase in food prices.

There are currently no plans to lift the Russian agricultural product embargo, which is likely to have negative consequences for the Ukrainian economy.


Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, said on Saturday that his country is blocked from exporting grain by a Russian blockade, adding to the humanitarian crisis in eastern Ukraine. “Russia has created a humanitarian disaster with its blockade of Ukraine,” Poroshenko said during a visit to Italy, Reuters reported. “We cannot export our grain because of the Russian embargo.”

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